Sunday, November 26, 2006

Post #20!

I've gotten into some really bad vacation-time habits over the past couple days. Due to some irrational fear of missing interesting television and a preponderance of late-night net surfing, I have gone to bed around 1:30 AM the past three nights. It's as though I'm too slothful to leave the couch for the comfort of my featherbed (sounds effeminate, but even the manliest man would enjoy sleeping on such a soft surface, I believe).

I have come to the following realization: I, Tim the Consummate Dork, am wasting far too much free time. I surf Wikipedia from time to time on these late nights, but never find anything of genuine interest. I need a hobby, or something interesting to become an expert on, or something to collect. Photography? Collecting fossils? Entomology? Bodybuilding (haha), perhaps?

I'm open to suggestions.