Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Well Readers, I've Got One Question To Ask You: Brain, or No Brain?

I have had the misfortune to watch the show "Deal Or No Deal" on NBC on a couple of occasions. I am flabbergasted and appalled at the mindlessness of it.

There are 26 cases on the stage, each one held by an anorexic, failed runway model. There are different amounts of money in each case, randomly distributed, fom $.01 to $1,000,000. Your task is to pick cases to open, thereby eliminating that sum from the board. The object is to end up with as much money as possible. But here's the catch: you only need a voicebox to play! Brain Not Required! For effect, there is a silhouetted banker in a booth upstairs who makes monetary offers to the contestants. The silhouette has a very large nose. This is a shot at Jews in general, catering to the stereotype that Jews have big noses and are often bankers, and are thus snobbishly shrewd and unpleasant. I can't believe there's such blatant anti-Semitism on television, and that it is allowed to be perpetuated.

It's the dumbest game show ever invented, so it's naturally a big hit. The new season of DOND begins with a $6,000,000 bonanza. So, some idiot whose only qualification for being on the show is his/her idiocy, will get the chance to walk away with a pile of cash. Ain't the world cruel?