Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Today's Bits of Wonder

Perhaps I missed the societal memo, but when exactly did it become permissible to discuss defecation in great detail in mixed company? Now, call me old-fashioned, but I don't believe a young lady wants to know anything about the gastrointestinal misadventures of any of her male peers. For that matter, neither do most males.

In other news, have you ever listened to a song after a several-year hiatus? I did so some minutes ago. It was a song called "Daybreak," performed by a group called "Special EFX" an obscure contemporary of the only slightly less-obscure Pat Metheny Group (it's modern Jazz). I would be shocked, awed, and taken completely aback (in a good way!) if any of you reading this has ever heard of the song or group. Anyway, it was a great feeling, like a brief, mental sugar-rush.

Well, that's all I have for this evening. Just remember: don't go around talking about poo-poos among large groups of people. I don't think anyone cares about your bowel movements, and frankly, it's far beyond repulsive.


Juicy said...

omg gavrich you just said young lady and actually meant to be somewhat sexist about it, it takes effort for me to even write this without wanting to scream at you.....

Gavrich said...

What the heck are you talking about? I didn't mean to be sexist at all! How could you possibly interpret it as sexist? Is it the phrase "young lady?" I believe that we are not necessarily "girls and boys" anymore, once we've arrived at the end of high school. We're "young ladies and young men" now.

I'm really baffled at how that could sound sexist. Women are far more sensible in the subject matter of their discussions, on the whole. It's a fact. Talking about defecation is revolting, even for men, and certainly not fit for discussion among girls/young ladies/women. Period. It's really not good discussion at all!

Juicy said...

"certainly not fit for discussion among girls/young women"

there you go again being sexist... see, by differentiating between the two and implying one is fit for something the other is not (regardless of whether that thing is good or bad) you are being somewhat sexist. the phrase "young lady" also just happenns to bug the shit out of me

k.ann said...

I have to agree with you.
And I don't think its sexist.

Thanks :)