Thursday, August 10, 2006

A Letter to Jon Stewart

Dear Mr. Stewart,
I have a request of you. You know that show of yours; The Daily Show? I was wondering, could you be ever so kind as to give it a freakin' rest?
For every event of relative seriousness, you and your band of writers are compelled to make light of it in the most disrespectful manner possible. Take today's terrorist round-up in England; a victory in the War on Terrorism, no? Well shiver-me-timbers! No liquids on the plane? Preposterous! Ha-ha! Another bit of hooliganism on the part of the inept Department of Homeland Security! What a stupid restriction to place on airline passengers in the wake of terrorists wanting to mix up some explosives with LIQUIDS! Lest we forget another clever insertion of a sarcastic "democracy is the only antidote to extremism" jibe!
Is this all a joke to you, Mr. Stewart? Do you feel it is wise to delude people of the seriousness of today's world by making third-grade jokes about the president and any other conservative political presences? Is this any way to affect positive action on important political and social issues?
Mr. Stewart, I beg you, will you please return to the days of Baby-Racing? The days when it was clear to everyone that your show is but an extended joke? You should be alarmed that some people take it completely seriously. You know, the news items you either found or invented that made light of subjects that deserved it? Perhaps you and your fake-conservative buddy Colbert can rekindle some of the old magic.
Until then, I have a tip for you when taking any airplane trips in the near future. Just take that bottle of water, and just hide it where the sun don't shine. Your head could use company up there.

Thank you ever-so-much.



OSK said...

Are you seriously mailing that? I dare you to.

Juicy said...

dude...nice work!

And for once I will say this: you're totally right. I understand that it is important to be able to maake light of some issues as opposed to simply worrying about them, but you can never take shows like that too seriously. They are amusing, but they will take any oppportuinty to make someone look bad or criticize them even if it means contradicting themselves on a daily basis. They're pretty much just assholes to everybody. Luckily there is a palce for such television (or at least a time slot) so it does not have to leak too much in to actual media coverage. Then again, that point is 100 percent debatable.

PS: thanks for giving me an idea of what to write about next!

gbz said...

um...its on comedy one takes it seriously (hopefully). the entire pt of it is to joke, so of course they're going to do it about everything. your just mad cuz it makes fuin of your side of things