Sunday, August 20, 2006


Last night, I happened to reconnect with an old acquaintance who moved away after third grade via AIM. She has as good a memory as anyone I know, remembering silly things that she and I said as long ago as 1st grade. Anyhow, it was awesome to just reminisce about bygone days; days when we worried about reading our first multi-chapter books WITHOUT pictures. Now, there are things like AP US History and Calculus that have taken the places of the elementary toils.

Take a look at your middle school yearbook(s) every so often, and have a a trip back in your brain and remember some of the old characters from bygone days. It's a refreshing exercise.


Juicy said...

She still remembers stuff that happenned in 1st grade? and bothered to contact you? ohh, sounds juicy, if you get my fact something like that happenned to me once (warning- it ended bad)

k.ann said...

This made me smile :)

I like to look back at my old yearbooks from time to time.

You rock kid :)